Apr 13, 2007

Advice for Having Dinner With the "Yucky Ex""

When having a little pre-move/post-final grades dinner with the ex you're trying to be friends with:
1. DO agree to meet her early because the bridge over the TN river will be one lane due to construction
2. DO call (because it's proper etiquette, which she teaches) to let her know that you will be late due to the above mentioned traffic problems
3. DO buy 2 bottles of wine (1 Greg Norman if you think she is going to cook and 1 Three Blind Moose if you are going out) because it's nice to be prepared for everything
3. DO realize that she's had a long week prior to spring break and may not be the perky girl you once knew
4. DO smile when you find out she found her 2nd note from seeing her last time
5. DO correct her when she says she's read the blog about "1st Date Advice" and is open about being a little jealous because she "hasn't been" mentioned. She is on the blog a TON OF TIMES, afterall she was your best brewing buddy for a long time (sorry Junk and Brian, but it's true)
6. DO let her pick a lot of the sushi items because you haven't been to a sushi bar since 2001ish
7. DO be patient when she is trying to teach you sign language, she doesn't know how smart and fast she is
8. DO NOT attempt to show her how open minded you are by trying smelt on the Rainbow Roll!! It tasted like raw goldfish when you had it last time and still does, blech!
9. DO NOT say a word when she starts talking about the perks of the guys she is currently dating, she loved you when you were broke and apparently offered no "perks", just smile and wrap your mouth around the Sapporo beer
10. DO NOT look away even though you guys aren't talking but try not to stare when she is so beautiful in her dress (corrected quickly as being a skirt)
11. DO pick up the check even though it was going to be her treat, you never know how long it is going to be before you see her again
12. DO NOT leave your fortune cookie fortune, are you an idiot? She took hers with her for a reason (even though we "don't keep paper long"). It said "The vice (weakness) next to you may become your greatest virtue (strength)"
13. DO NOT leave your Monster energy drink when you leave, it makes it that much harder to leave when you go back
14. (Drum Roll please) DO realize that the next day is "Friday the 13th" and even though she said she was supposed to be at the ballfield that night doesn't mean you should leave!! When she calls and you are 12 miles down the road already, forgot to hug her goodbye when you were the one that made that stupid promise, agree that both of you had the wrong impression when you thought she wanted to be doing something else but she didn't tell you she wanted you to leave SIMPLY TURN THE CAR AROUND AND GO BACK even though this is the first time you can remember ever being around each other and having no physical contact whatsoever