Apr 11, 2007
Our Tastes-- Lost Coast 8 Ball Stout
Well this past weekend the Enabler and I got deep into some stouts he ordered from CA, and let me tell you stout mouth is still in full effect. I haven't drank this much dark beer since... well, since St. Patty's Day (this year). First bomber(22oz bottle) up was Lost Coast 8 Ball Stout. This was a real treat. Man we had crackers and everything to rinse the palate in between tastes and I am amazed after looking at the website how close to being dead on we were. This is a complex sweet stout with a chocolate nuttiness and dark roasts plus oatmeal. It had little brown foam head, no foam legs, poured thick and had a great aroma. Definitely a full flavored stout beer. "Oh my nasty God", I believe is the phrase one of our co-tasters yielded. We had this one at 4.7-5.2%abv, but the site lists it at 5.9% was good enough for me to want another one. This brew has won several awars including the silver at the World Beer Championship. Lost Coast is run by 2 women homebrewers, one of which is a pharmacist. Founded in Eureka, CA (Humboldt Bay region) in a restored 1892 castle (Pythian Castle) purchased from The Fraternal Order of the Knights of Pythias during 1990 the café opened. Now if you ask me any place with an average temp of 55F is begging to have some brew made. As of this year the brewery is scheduled to make 30,000 barrels of their 7 wonderful beers making it the 46th largest in the nation.