May 31, 2007
Brew Batch #21
Tonight The Enabler and TaskMaster (Eastern Oaks chapter) helped me put #21 in the bottle tonight. We got 50 long-neck browns with green crowns and one clear of this wonderful NBA (Nut Brown Ale). The last 2 times I did this batch I used long-neck greens but some of these have gone missing due to sample packs given away and it's the beer that truly matters. FG 1.004+0.002 @78.4F to give it 4.3%
May 24, 2007
Our Tastes-- Yazoo Amarillo Pale Ale
On a recent field trip The Enabler and I picked up 6 or so growlers, one of which was this little dandy. Now we also picked up Sly Rye Porter, ESB and Dos Perros. Well Dos Perros didn't last long and from what I can remember was a wonderful brew that will simply have to be gotten again on a soon to be mentioned summer field trip. Sly Rye Porter has already been blogged (see the Our Tastes catagory) and though I was in lust with the ESB in an ironic twist this one was flat due to not being sealed properly after the bar maiden blew the keg on filling my growler. We'll give this one another try this summer. It has a dark straw color and light foam head. This is a very unique beer in that they use Amarillo hops only in the brewing process. This hop is American grown and described as "super Cascade" with AAUs being between 5% to 11%. It has a citrusy note and is a mutation of another hop variety that was introduced by Virgil Gamache Farms Inc. I give this beer a FRD!
Is Merry really a Wicked Berry?
I was surprised to find out that My-Ex boyfriend named a beer after me. Let’s face it you do not expect someone to do that after you supposedly break their heart! I guess one good thing came out of our break up. He told me that several people have enjoyed my name sake. So of course I was eager to try it out. So let’s get down to business!
The Name: Wicked Merry’s Berry
Wicked: Growing up my mother always called me her precious little angel, so I can’t take credit for the wicked part. We all know that angels can be naughty..... but never wicked!
Merry: Most people assume that my name must be Mary! Well it is not! You should know what happens when we assume!! Merry is a nickname I was given by the brew master.
Berry: SweetWater blue is my favorite beer. So I am guessing this gave him the idea to make his own blueberry beer. Is it too coincidental that Merry rhymes with Berry?
The Beer:
It took me over a month to sit down and pour up a glass of my very special beer. I took out a pint tumbler glass that I confiscated from SweetWater on one of our bottling adventures (I thought it was fitting) Popped the turtle top, then slowly poured it like I was instructed by my x! Hey I still remember how to do some things. I saw the remnants of hand crushed blueberries. My only hope is he wasn't picturing me while he was crushing them. Once poured I immediately noticed the color and smell. The color was a nice brown and the smell was sweet! I like watching the bubbles swirl around in the glass. The first sip hit my taste buds with sizzle! It had a nice taste! I was pleasantly surprised. I can’t decide if I like the berry part or the taste of honey the best. I drank the rest of my beer thinking of all the good times I had helping brew beer. I was always amazed that my “x” could brew his own beer and for him to name one after me was truly an honor. I wonder would he have named a beer after me if we had stayed together. Well I guess everything happens for a reason and we will never know! I look forward to enjoying more bottles of my beer. Who knows maybe if I am “wicked” again I will get another beer named after me.
The Name: Wicked Merry’s Berry
Wicked: Growing up my mother always called me her precious little angel, so I can’t take credit for the wicked part. We all know that angels can be naughty..... but never wicked!
Merry: Most people assume that my name must be Mary! Well it is not! You should know what happens when we assume!! Merry is a nickname I was given by the brew master.
Berry: SweetWater blue is my favorite beer. So I am guessing this gave him the idea to make his own blueberry beer. Is it too coincidental that Merry rhymes with Berry?
The Beer:
It took me over a month to sit down and pour up a glass of my very special beer. I took out a pint tumbler glass that I confiscated from SweetWater on one of our bottling adventures (I thought it was fitting) Popped the turtle top, then slowly poured it like I was instructed by my x! Hey I still remember how to do some things. I saw the remnants of hand crushed blueberries. My only hope is he wasn't picturing me while he was crushing them. Once poured I immediately noticed the color and smell. The color was a nice brown and the smell was sweet! I like watching the bubbles swirl around in the glass. The first sip hit my taste buds with sizzle! It had a nice taste! I was pleasantly surprised. I can’t decide if I like the berry part or the taste of honey the best. I drank the rest of my beer thinking of all the good times I had helping brew beer. I was always amazed that my “x” could brew his own beer and for him to name one after me was truly an honor. I wonder would he have named a beer after me if we had stayed together. Well I guess everything happens for a reason and we will never know! I look forward to enjoying more bottles of my beer. Who knows maybe if I am “wicked” again I will get another beer named after me.
May 13, 2007
$800 Birth Control

Now I wouldn’t pay this much for BC, but being the professional I am alternatives are always open to me. Now this little go-getter will run across the room and jump from the floor to your ear and pierce it for you within the first couple of visits to your ex’s house. And at very inopportune times jump between you and kiss you, lick your fingers and BITE your toes at concentrating times!! However, she does know how to sit, lay, shake, roll-over and ghetto-run when she hears the word “BANG!!” So how much would you pay and on a personal note do you have an open home?? least for the weekend?
Our Tastes-- Olde Towne Brewery German Pilsner
Now “The Enabler” and I managed to boot-leg this one before I moved on the 21st of April. We visited Kevin and the guys and managed to help with a little bottling while enjoying this seasonal on tap. I’ll have to admit it ranks right up the there with the porter they made that was available on tap ONLY. It has a great slight hop of Hallertauer with a straw golden color. The head is a light white with nice foam legs for a pilsner with next to no after taste. I’d love to give some more specs on this beer but it was a once in a lifetime taste until it goes to bottle. Visit their website and go visit for yourself, they even welcome “Tide” fans;)
May 11, 2007
Brew Batch #22
Well I'm on a bit of a brewing kick so today I started #22 Belgian Trippel before I go to work. I'm already thinking this on needs to be in 22oz bottles to give them that true Belgian feel and pink or purple crowns. We'll see. I'm really hovering over the lautertun today because I want this one to be just right.
Pulled this one off without a hitch and it smells great without any fermentation having taken place yet. OG 1.064+0.002 @75.9F. Looks like this one has a lot of room to move!!
Pulled this one off without a hitch and it smells great without any fermentation having taken place yet. OG 1.064+0.002 @75.9F. Looks like this one has a lot of room to move!!
May 9, 2007
Important Announcement!!
Please visit the FTH "Free The Hops" link on the side bar. A great first time event is occurring in Alabama and changes need your support. I'll see you at the first session. Come out and have some awesome beer not yet seen in the state, I know I have had to boot-leg it!!
May 2, 2007
Brew Batch #20
This marks my 1000th bottle. With the aid of BugMan we bottled 49 long neck browns with golden crowns and one clear. One thing is for sure, the color on this Belgian Wit is truly perfection. I hope that after its treacherous journey from the Rocket City that is didn't oxidize too much and that it conditions well, we'll find that out in a week or so. Had a little taste of it last night while getting FG and it seemed okay, just like with everything else only time will tell. FG 1.003+0.002 @76.7F, 5.57%abv.
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