May 24, 2007

Is Merry really a Wicked Berry?

I was surprised to find out that My-Ex boyfriend named a beer after me. Let’s face it you do not expect someone to do that after you supposedly break their heart! I guess one good thing came out of our break up. He told me that several people have enjoyed my name sake. So of course I was eager to try it out. So let’s get down to business!
The Name: Wicked Merry’s Berry
Wicked: Growing up my mother always called me her precious little angel, so I can’t take credit for the wicked part. We all know that angels can be naughty..... but never wicked!
Merry: Most people assume that my name must be Mary! Well it is not! You should know what happens when we assume!! Merry is a nickname I was given by the brew master.
Berry: SweetWater blue is my favorite beer. So I am guessing this gave him the idea to make his own blueberry beer. Is it too coincidental that Merry rhymes with Berry?
The Beer:
It took me over a month to sit down and pour up a glass of my very special beer. I took out a pint tumbler glass that I confiscated from SweetWater on one of our bottling adventures (I thought it was fitting) Popped the turtle top, then slowly poured it like I was instructed by my x! Hey I still remember how to do some things. I saw the remnants of hand crushed blueberries. My only hope is he wasn't picturing me while he was crushing them. Once poured I immediately noticed the color and smell. The color was a nice brown and the smell was sweet! I like watching the bubbles swirl around in the glass. The first sip hit my taste buds with sizzle! It had a nice taste! I was pleasantly surprised. I can’t decide if I like the berry part or the taste of honey the best. I drank the rest of my beer thinking of all the good times I had helping brew beer. I was always amazed that my “x” could brew his own beer and for him to name one after me was truly an honor. I wonder would he have named a beer after me if we had stayed together. Well I guess everything happens for a reason and we will never know! I look forward to enjoying more bottles of my beer. Who knows maybe if I am “wicked” again I will get another beer named after me.