Jun 28, 2007

A New Brew Buddy

Many of you have already been introduced to this new addition to the Brew Crew. You know her as B.C (Birth Control) Her name was changed to protect her innocence. Here she is helping in the racking process. When she is not brewing beer she splits her time at home with her mommy and being a dog model. Check out her work on the photo gallery at www.generationdog.com (she is the last one wearing a white t-shirt)

Ok back to the beer….
So this made me start thinking how good is it to give dogs beer? There are so many owners who like to share their brew with their dogs. Some dogs really seem to enjoy drinking beer.
In my research I found that there are some bad long term effects. Just like a human drinking beer a dog can experience a sense of euphoria. This can cause your beloved pooch to stumble and fall and let's not forget the throwing up that comes after drinking too much. They also can wake up after a night of drinking with a hang over. It can also cause liver damage just like in humans. In order for the alcoholic beverage to really hurt your dog they would have consume about 10 beers a day. I am sorry to report that there is not a Doggie AA organization.

How can you help your dog ditch the bottle?
There is a special beer brewed just for dogs. It is called Kwispelbier. The name is Dutch and means wagging tail. This is a non- alcoholic beer. Dogs really do not seem to know the difference. It tastes like beer. They do not know that it does not have alcohol in it. The brew master is a pet shop owner named Terrie Berenden. She made the brew from beef extract and malts. If your dog is truly your best friend you will have to shell out some money for this beer. It cost $2.14 a bottle.

For all you dogs and dog lovers remember to drink responsibly!!