Jun 21, 2007

Our Tastes—Michelob Porter

I’ve always wanted to just sit and go through a whole sampler pack, so for the next few weeks that’s exactly what I’ll be doing. I’ll start with the Michelob Ales & Lagers Sampler. From year to year they vary the assortment but usually keep some great staple beers. In 2004 it included the All Malt Seasonal Lager and All Imported Hops Lager. In 05’ it had the Pumpkin Spice Ale (later named Jack’s Spiced Pumpkin Ale to start the “microbrew” series in the fall of 2006) and a new look to the marzen bottle. The 2006 sampler included porter, marzen, wheat, pale ale and amerbock in a 20 pack. The porter is an awesome dark brown roasted brew. Named after laborers (porters) in 18th century London this one is made with chocolate caramel and pale malt. Well worth picking it up since it seems to be a regular in the annual pack.