Never far from a good taster, I happened upon some Anchor Christmas Ale while in Mount Olive and being the beer adventurer that I am, I took to it. This is the 33rd time this beer has been offered starting in 1975. It's a guarded recipe with a base and a subtle change every year. Many keep a few bottles and try them with others as they come down the bottle line or even try those within the same year later to see how they age. The abv is also a changing %. They also change the label every year, incorporating a different tree, the symbol of renewal with the changing of the seasons. Grab some of this years, even Merry likes this dark beast;)
Dec 29, 2007
Our Tastes-- Anchor Christmas Ale
Never far from a good taster, I happened upon some Anchor Christmas Ale while in Mount Olive and being the beer adventurer that I am, I took to it. This is the 33rd time this beer has been offered starting in 1975. It's a guarded recipe with a base and a subtle change every year. Many keep a few bottles and try them with others as they come down the bottle line or even try those within the same year later to see how they age. The abv is also a changing %. They also change the label every year, incorporating a different tree, the symbol of renewal with the changing of the seasons. Grab some of this years, even Merry likes this dark beast;)