Breaking the cycle I managed to grab a winter beer that I had not tasted with its appropriate sampler, so hoo-ray for Harpoon Winter Warmer. The boys at Harpoon with their 100 barrel series sure do have this recipe right. It pours a rich copper and great "winter" aroma with slight notes of nutmeg and cinnamon on the palate. I'll be honest, I haven't had this beer in so long that it has barely lasted through the post! The head was ample but quieted quickly. Brewed with caramel and pale malts and having no aromatic hop added to overpower the spices this truly is 5.5%abv pumpkin pie in your mouth.
Jan 16, 2008
Our Tastes-- Harpoon Winter Warmer
Breaking the cycle I managed to grab a winter beer that I had not tasted with its appropriate sampler, so hoo-ray for Harpoon Winter Warmer. The boys at Harpoon with their 100 barrel series sure do have this recipe right. It pours a rich copper and great "winter" aroma with slight notes of nutmeg and cinnamon on the palate. I'll be honest, I haven't had this beer in so long that it has barely lasted through the post! The head was ample but quieted quickly. Brewed with caramel and pale malts and having no aromatic hop added to overpower the spices this truly is 5.5%abv pumpkin pie in your mouth.