On his travels to the DC area The Enabler managed to bootleg back 122 beers minus 2 dead soldiers, so let's try some of them starting with the Otter Creek sampler which comes with White Sail, Copper Ale and Pale Ale. First one up is White Sail Belgian Style White (bottled on 8/26/07. It poured up a nice aromatic head but for goodness sake swirl the bed because I didn't do it enough and now have some grub particles in the bottom of the pint glass. White Sail has a great zest to it (could be that I can see my breath). Color is a nice hazy straw. It's a true Belgian, no abv listed on the site which is good because you can drink prn.
Jan 16, 2008
Our Tastes-- Otter Creek White Sail
On his travels to the DC area The Enabler managed to bootleg back 122 beers minus 2 dead soldiers, so let's try some of them starting with the Otter Creek sampler which comes with White Sail, Copper Ale and Pale Ale. First one up is White Sail Belgian Style White (bottled on 8/26/07. It poured up a nice aromatic head but for goodness sake swirl the bed because I didn't do it enough and now have some grub particles in the bottom of the pint glass. White Sail has a great zest to it (could be that I can see my breath). Color is a nice hazy straw. It's a true Belgian, no abv listed on the site which is good because you can drink prn.