May 11, 2008
TnDC Field Trip #8
Well of all the momentous field trips I've taken this was by far the most life changing! Saturday morning Merry and I left out headed to Pensacola where we stopped at Aloha Wines and Four Winds International Food Market. I picked up some great beer: Brooklyn Local 1, Brooklyner-Schneider Hopfen-Weisse (brewed on 2 different continents and blended together), Dogfish Head Fort, Immort Ale, a new beer for me called Wild Blue, Great Divide Samurai Ale and Hibernation Ale. Oh yeah, daddy gonna be drinking well. Then we scooted over to Orange Beach for the night. Sunday was really memorable, I got engaged in the coolest mastermind plan I've ever executed. I took Merry out on the Corsair for lunch. This was an awesome trip on a wooden sailboat that caters a meal for you! Capt. Mike and his first mate Leroy, took us out from Bear Point Marina (saw no bears though) and up through Bay La Launch into Ingram's Bayou where I popped the Big Q. During the trip we were served great appetizers and then the fun really started for me. You get to eat what you catch! Merry compared it to the Deadliest Catch (not quite but a cool reference). Capt. Mike built the Corsair with a kitchen where the cargo hold used to be so the lunch was about 30 minutes from the sorting table (which I gladly tried my hand at) to the dining table. We had the finest freshest shrimp scampi I've ever had while tied up in Ingram's Bayou just north of Bay la Launch.
I've already told half a dozen people about this and they think taking a quick run on a sailboat with a catered meal where you get to play with your food first is the coolest thing ever. The guys were great at explaining anything we wanted to know. It was a real educational and scenic trip, maybe better than the beer run. If you get a chance check out the link to Corsair Charters on the sidebar. As soon as I snag the pics off my camera, I'll post a few.