Jun 4, 2008

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Longshot 2006 Boysenberry Wheat

As you breathe in through your nose letting your mouth hang over the rim of the pint, the poingant aroma of a sweet wild berry hangs in your mind. The pour is a generous froth and dissipates to a light head with a dark honey color. Taking a mouthful of this one reinforces why I entered the LongShot this year. It is an awesome complex taste of a smooth wheat not too filtered and a slightly bitter bite to the aftertaste. Hops? Can't really pick'em up. Over the next few days I'll be trying all of the LongShots that I have left over in anticipation of either the email for more samples or my score sheet. This is a nice drift away from the norm for SA. I would say buy some but you'd be lucky to find it at this point. May 15, 2006 in celebration of craft beer week Sam Adams launched this contest to allow homebrewers the chance to be nationally distributed. Two regular joes and one Sam Adam's employee brew is chosen to represent the 6 pack. Ken Smith a brewer at Boston Brewery was the "employee" winner of the Beer Lovers Contest on this brew and I've never had a Boysenberry but I can tell you what it tastes like!