Aug 23, 2008
Our Tastes-- Pulque La Lucha
Before I even wrap my tongue around this Poncho Villa, let me give you some history behind my selection. We cruise into Mike's Handy and Dennis, the true Gardendale chapter of TnDC, tells us after pointing out the new addition of Terrapin IBA and the re-addition of SW420 IPA!! to try this one Pulque La Lucha. "It has a pure coconut and pineapple overtone". So I look at the bottle and follow the directions, it says to shake well and that it is a speciality wine. Like an ass I shake it like a stepchild and pour, a skim milk white pint of brew with absolutely "0" on the BJCP scoring sheet for head. The aroma is a cross between pina colada and my Wal-Mart sensitive eyes saline solution for my contacts. Holy mayonnaise! I took a drink and thought I suddenly had something on my glasses, it was my damn eyes!! The taste of pure agave (root) like it says, is evident. I wish you could be here. It's pasteurized so that makes me feel better. "The original drink of Mexico", before antibiotics? Gagging this MFn'S ranks right up there with Fear Factor. Damn bring on the worms, at least they are protein!! Even the nutrition label is bilingual, just name it creamy merde next time and I'll understand. Abv 5.5%, I think, distributor, take him to the rack.. I'll pay more for his stretching ass than another 6er of this stuff.
Zeus is Loose!!
Aug 15, 2008
Our Tastes-- Ubu Ale
One of the oddites from The Enabler's Beer-of-the-Month Club is Ubu Ale from Lake Placid Brewery. This beer tells the legend of Ubu a chocolate Lab with an unquenchable thirst for beer. A strong english style ale this one pours a deep garnete red with a 7%abv. Sit Ubu, sit! The story behind this brewery is truly inspiring, I could read it a couple of times a month!
Random Brewings
Smacked around a Breakfast Stout from NB this afternoon with Matt and The Enabler. Seems like it is going to finish out nice. Got exactly OG 1.030 @ 70F. We'll see how it ferments out but this was the first time I have ever used flaked oats in a recipe or dried yeast for rehydration. That stuff gives you about 30 minutes to cool and pitch your beer. I like it! This wasn't a batch or my own creation but more of an introductory beginner's start for Mat-pie (pa-caw-pee-caw).
Our Tastes-- Spanish Peaks Crystal Weiss
Having sampled the Spanish Peaks line several times (with the most favorite being at last year's Magic City Brewfest), we're going to finally start tasting the brews and posting them. First up is ,Crystal Weiss, made with 2-row barley, Munich Malt, malted white wheat and Crystal 40L, hops include Saaz and Hallertau to give it a nice 4.5%abv. The color is a clear dark straw (surprisingly clear to have wheat proteins in it), aroma is a bland sweetness, the head is a large foamy dissipation. Enjoy and let's start this line of brews.
Aug 10, 2008
Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Scotch Ale
Since having my first scotch ale in Nashville at BlackStone, I have tried shillings and have looked for a small brew scotch specifically this one. I happen to see it in Samuel Adams sampler (not the summer sampler, apparently a different 12-pack) and picked it up along with their Irish red Ale. This baby pours a dark, red amber with a creamy white head. Using many types of grain including 2-row pale Harrington, Munich malt, chocolate malt, and peat smoked malt used in the process of distilling Scotch whisky the smooth finish is matched with East Kent Goldings and English Fuggles. Retired in 2000 but brought back by the cult this one has 5.4%abv and smacks of 200kcal/bottle! In other words a 6er is a1200kcal meal;)
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