Aug 23, 2008

Our Tastes-- Pulque La Lucha

Before I even wrap my tongue around this Poncho Villa, let me give you some history behind my selection. We cruise into Mike's Handy and Dennis, the true Gardendale chapter of TnDC, tells us after pointing out the new addition of Terrapin IBA and the re-addition of SW420 IPA!! to try this one Pulque La Lucha. "It has a pure coconut and pineapple overtone". So I look at the bottle and follow the directions, it says to shake well and that it is a speciality wine. Like an ass I shake it like a stepchild and pour, a skim milk white pint of brew with absolutely "0" on the BJCP scoring sheet for head. The aroma is a cross between pina colada and my Wal-Mart sensitive eyes saline solution for my contacts. Holy mayonnaise! I took a drink and thought I suddenly had something on my glasses, it was my damn eyes!! The taste of pure agave (root) like it says, is evident. I wish you could be here. It's pasteurized so that makes me feel better. "The original drink of Mexico", before antibiotics? Gagging this MFn'S ranks right up there with Fear Factor. Damn bring on the worms, at least they are protein!! Even the nutrition label is bilingual, just name it creamy merde next time and I'll understand. Abv 5.5%, I think, distributor, take him to the rack.. I'll pay more for his stretching ass than another 6er of this stuff.