Having sampled the Spanish Peaks line several times (with the most favorite being at last year's Magic City Brewfest), we're going to finally start tasting the brews and posting them. First up is ,Crystal Weiss, made with 2-row barley, Munich Malt, malted white wheat and Crystal 40L, hops include Saaz and Hallertau to give it a nice 4.5%abv. The color is a clear dark straw (surprisingly clear to have wheat proteins in it), aroma is a bland sweetness, the head is a large foamy dissipation. Enjoy and let's start this line of brews.
Aug 15, 2008
Our Tastes-- Spanish Peaks Crystal Weiss
Having sampled the Spanish Peaks line several times (with the most favorite being at last year's Magic City Brewfest), we're going to finally start tasting the brews and posting them. First up is ,Crystal Weiss, made with 2-row barley, Munich Malt, malted white wheat and Crystal 40L, hops include Saaz and Hallertau to give it a nice 4.5%abv. The color is a clear dark straw (surprisingly clear to have wheat proteins in it), aroma is a bland sweetness, the head is a large foamy dissipation. Enjoy and let's start this line of brews.