Mar 1, 2009

Stout Month?

No that's not a typo. I'll be working 199hrs in the month of March and that means I already know I'll miss St. Pat's Day itself, so I announce and challenge each TnDCer to make March "The Month", instead of stout mouth, make it stout month! I've decided to do this all month long considering today's tasters. Convert light beer drinkers for one month with your knowledge of higher B-vitamin content (which helps with blood circulation and neurosynapse firing), greater anti-oxidant power (for cardiac muscle) and greater xanthohumol levels to fight colon cancer. Reach out to the light side of the force and tease them with the dark. Oh yeah and we're bringing back the the tam hat! Got one at Target of brown leather and red flannel innard, if you're a proud beer drinking man, a tam should be on your noggin.