Mar 3, 2010

Our Tastes-- Monk Madness Ale

When I cracked the crown on this well aged beauty, there was slow rise of head that crept up the neck of the bomber. I poured myself 25cL in my new Piraat tulip that my bro-in-law gave me and the color is a deep orange brown hue, with slight cloudiness and off-white thick head. The aroma literally jumped at me when the bottle was opened before even pouring and was that of sweet plums and raisins. The taste is a great balance of 5 malts and hops as the bottle says. There is a heavy bitterness that sharply enters the mouth after the slight malt leaves. Until I poured this up and did a little research I didn't realize this was a retired beer from Rogue. Brewed with 2-row Pale, Belgian Munich, Belgian Special B, Weyermann Melonoidin, and Amber Malts then hopped with Belgian Nobles, Chinook, Amarillo, Centennial, and Summit Hops. This beer would explode with some strong cheese or a spicy dish. The difference between nose and palate is profound. To smell this American Strong Ale and taste it is a universe apart. 18Plato and 7.4%abv. For $4.49, I wish they'd make it again, only problem is that I can't remember where I legged it from. Monk Madness Ale is a keeper, wonder if it's named after a man who swore off of women?