Apr 9, 2012

Brew Batch #47 Baltic Porter

It's spring time and the windows are open, but no matter how many and what variety of Yankee Candle Company candle I burn there's no escaping the aroma of fresh boiling malt in the house itself! Granted the back porch windows are open but hey, this is when you save on A/C. I decided to hang this recipe again because, for me a porter has become a "year-rounder". Nay to those that sip light translucence when the boys start round the bases. It's like tattoos right now, to be different, don't have one. Swallows become California vultures when you get older, guys and gals! Had 2 or 3 boil overs and the alpha acid on the 1st Perle addition was a little higher than last time, but it smells like a winner. OG 1.062+ 0.002 @75F.