May 19, 2012

Our Tastes-- BlackStone BlackJack

Blackjack is a Texas brown ale made at BlackStone BrewPub. I was granted a growler of this after brewing with Red, (so what! this is how we ended up with Manhattan). I got to share this one at the local cigar shop with my bro-in-law and the consensus was about the same. A great med to dark brown with a nice tan thick marshmallow head. Nose of heavy hop. The taste is an even light malt bill with an even bitterness across the tongue. 7.5%abv. For trivia it was named for the brewer's brothers' army squad in Texas, Red really out did himself on this one. The guys at the stogie shop are thinking about bartering smokes for samplers and feedback, that's when you know you've made it. People willing to not only pay for your brew but trade things they too appreciate to have more of what you've created.