Aug 23, 2012

Our Tastes-- East West Kölsch

In the last year or so Sam Adams has exploded with new beer, whether within a traditional style or out on the fringe of one already established. This in part explains why SAM stock has been as high as $128 a share up from last October's paltry $72! I've tried to keep up with every nuance they've offered but have fallen short. Today I get back in the saddle with East West Kölsch. This is a light and lovely brew that even my wife digs (she's finally broadened her palate to included this style and not just lambics and fruits) High five! It pours a very light straw with a slight honey nose. Taste is even, sweet, a dash of lemon, and a floral with little aroma hop and just a smidgen of bitterness on the back on the tongue. Alsatian Strisselspalt hops were used and classically kölsch beer is less bitter than the closest kin, a pilsner and lighter in color than pretty much the same beer, an altbier that's made the same way just with darker grains. The one character that I've noticed that seems to be out of character for SA beers is that this beer seems to have a light particulate which could have been imparted by the Jasmine Sambac that it is aged on. Brewed with Samuel Adams two-row pale malt blend, wheat, and Bohemian pils malt and hopped with Spalt Spalter Noble hops and Strisselspalt to yield a brew of 5%abv. I like it, not sure I would do a sixer of it but enjoyed the inclusion in the summer pack.