Sep 7, 2012

Our Tastes-- Golden Monkey

Picked this one up on my latest trip to Sea Grove Beach. Initially a bottle for my Pop-in-law and I because he likes the Belgian side, but time flew by and it became a sip between The Enabler and I. Pouring a very light yellow with an extremely thick white froth in our tulip glasses it takes the color at least of a belgian tripel. The aroma gave way to almost all pilsen malt with subtle touches of orange and yeast. I havent' tried a lot of Victory beers but not many of them are making an impression. Golden Monkey fits the style but the "European whole hop flowers" don't lend too much to the overall profile, granted it should be more on the sweet perhaps light side and there is definitely some warmth of EtOH (9.5%abv) but I find myself looking for more belgian candi in this one. I'd drink it again but expect a heavier than usual dose of wheat protein in your mouth.