Oct 2, 2012

Brew Batch #48 Honey Kölsch (aka Jake's Juice)

For #48 and to get back into the swing of things, I'm trying my hand at a honey kölsch for the builder of my house. He's helped me out a ton this past year with items around the house that I simply didn't have knowledge about so hence forth it will be Jake's Juice. I'm hoping to turn him from a macro light lager to something with a little bit more finesse. I've even found a pound of little honey from Auburn to give it that special touch. A pretty easy recipe this one calls for only wheat malt and 2 hop additions of Vanguard, a hop I've never used, but the alphas pull in at 4.8%. I'll keg about 2.5C and bottle him off a case of brown long necks, then toss him a fresh growler when the pressure is just right. OG turned in at 1.0042+0.001 @75F.