Nov 16, 2012

Brew Batch #48 Honey Kölsch (aka Jake's Juice)

Well this one went to bottles/keg today and yielding 30 or so long necked browns with traditional golden crowns. Thought my builder would get a kick out of them looking "traditional". Also kegged about a gallon to sample and draft off for him into a growler, so he can have a couple pints without bottle involvement. The chilling Red told me about dropped it so beautifully clear that only the true color of the brew shines. A great almost bourbon-esque color with slight red hue. FG 1.002+0.001 @67F to yield a 5.7%abv. Been a long time since I bottled (thanks to The Enabler for the donation). It was fun but keggin' and bombers is where it's at for me. For batch #50, I'm thinking I can do Reinke's and dry-hop the stink out of it this year, an Über IPA or do I throw it back to a style I shared with the Wolf Pack in 10' for the first time and limb it out on a Black IPA? Man, I wish I knew how to do a poll on this website. Maybe I'll look into that.