Jan 16, 2013

Brew Batch #50 REINKE'S REVENGE 2012

I had no intention of it falling this way with regards to which batch was my 250th gallon. But, even though it is long off of it's original brew date and Lord willing I'll actually get back to that for 2013 but Reinke's Revenge hits the lautertun today. Now I've tried changing several aspects of this brew with regards to different malts, fruit additions, and aging over oak, but I've never actually changed the hop profile, so in the hopes of not making a unpalatable 5C batch, I'll be going with Columbus, Styrian Goldings and Target on the hop additions.  I'm playing with the idea of dry-hopping it a little, but like Red taught me in this respect, "try it first" you can always add more dry-hops but there ain't no "do-over" once you've dropped them in. OG 1.084+ 0.00 at 62F and a swill of noticeable hop change from recent batches.