Jan 25, 2014

Our Tastes-- BlackStone Muffin Man

As an added bonus for the BlackStone "hard" 10K series, Red has blessed us with some Muffin Man. A nice light mahogany brown with light white froth and touch of ruby highlights. A nose of fresh gingerbread. Subtle tones of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove over the majority. A vanilla hint steps in with a slight touch of bitterness on the sides of the palate. The overall impression is great! For me a pint or two is max, but as a holiday spice beer, I wouldn't change a thing. However, Andy Mc would go more ginger forward and less cinnamon. This would be a sneaky little conversion beer that's not over the top and as it warmed brought forth other spices that weren't as apparent at let's say 44F.