May 17, 2014

Our Tastes-- Beard Beer

Look this was a marketing ploy population campaign by John Maier and I bought it. Beard Beer is exactly what it sounds to be. Since John has had the same beard since 1983 they were able to isolate a wild yeast and ferment a wild ale with it. Pouring a medium straw color and nose of absolutely nothing, possibly a slight yeast. The front end is beer, the backside may have a touch of sourness. Other than that boys and girls, you'll spend $5.99 on bomber (whereas Arto would tell you the glass, crown and screen printed label costed the most) and Rogue will reap the financial gain. I love it. Marketing and name recognition got me to try this one. At 5.6%abv it's an angry wild yeast, but then again what's the alcohol tolerance on those strains? Does it very with the length and thickness of the beard? Idunno, but I'll die with a molecule of it in me.