Nov 22, 2014

Our Tastes-- Yard's Ales of the Revolution

Well beer did make it back from Andy Mc's initial trip to DE. And in return I got Thomas Jefferson's Tavern Ale, the spruce and porter were light in supply (wife/girlfriend porter-mouth, how convenient, I'm just throwing that out there like a fly-fisherman, ya know). Look all I can say is T.J. liked it light in color at least on this replication of his 8%abv golden ale. Funny thing about goldens (beers) for me, they always smell, even when fresh/green as past due or slightly skunk. Head poured thick whiteness;) It's wheat, maize, honey based which is true to source, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the rye availability at the time. May have been readily brewable, but since it sticks so much if not done right nowadays, I find it hard to believe they used it much back then (though cast-iron played a big part then?). Taste is a standard pilsen bitterness with not much else coming forward. Would I take a growler of this over Ben's Spruce or GW's porter, guess we'll never know, (Tootsie pop).