Aug 20, 2015

Our Tastes-- Quasimodo

After a long haul the last couple of weeks, I relished the idea of coming home and trying a b'day drop off by Andy Mc. Quasimodo pours an extremely clear rich dark brown with thick creamy tannish head. As soon as I poured up my goblet it wafted out at my my olfactory glands from a foot away with it's heavy fig and Belgian candi warmth. My mouth began to water with a Pavlovian nature and reminded how powerful really well created beers are. The taste is such an onslaught to the senses I find it hard to capture the first taste in it's totality. Fruity and yet bitter with a 10% abv undeniable heat. This is my first experience with 3 Taverns and as I thoroughly enjoy watching the lattice cling to the glass off my "hunched back punch" I come to a resounding conclusion....I only have one in stock and half of it is already in my belly!