Aug 18, 2015

Ten of Fitty Part Một

The Enabler got me 40 ounces of beer to try and 10 to grow on for my birthday. So on a day that looks overcast, we'll be delving into his palate of beers for me. First up, Saigon export. Made by Sabeco Brewery, located in Ho Chi Minh City (the favorite Communist city on our bucket-list inernational beer crawl, nevermind that it's last) Though we can't seem to pull the website up directly, these guys would do great at moonshining here in the Southeast considering the heavy taste of corn in their lager. Pours a clear, light to medium straw with great carbonation considering where it's made and exported from. My dad didn't ever mention this beer, he was more of a Tiger 33 guy. Sabeco was established in 1875, you'd think the commies would have them a better website by now considering they own roughly 90% of the brewery. It's along the lines of almost pilsner, smells like Dutch Windmill (see previous posts). Beer is light, crisp, lager at 4.9%.