Jan 20, 2017

Brew Batch #77 Centennial IPA (cIPA)

Having sorted through the aforementioned hop inventory, I deduced a nice straight Centennial IPA would be warranted. So I dusted off a basic IPA recipe and when all is said and done, I'll have 6oz of hops in it. I'll be replicating the 10 minute hop stand from The Medusa batch because it seemed to bring the aroma of the hop out so well. I'm also using Pac-Man yeast (Wyeast 1764) from Rogue for the first time, we'll see if it's as bad as John Maier says it is. OG 1.064+0.001 @66F. What better beer to brew on Inauguration Day. After all, Trump will be 70 years 7 months and 7 days old tomorrow in his 1st full day as POTUS in the Hebrew calendar year 5777. True Story!