Jan 31, 2017

Our Tastes-- Sweetwater Squeeze Box

Squeeze Box IPA, is my continuation into all things grapefruit. I've delved into Sculpin of course, SA's version, Tropicanon, Citrus Mistress, made my own GIPA, even HI-5 had some to it. Pouring a more particulate beer than I am accustomed to from SW and a darkened yellow with good white foam. Nose is a gentle aroma of sweet grapefruit pulp, but the taste yields a dichotomous pithy bitter. Oddly, this is only the second beer that I've seen that uses Midnight Wheat. That's a new grain for me, I need to do some reading up. Overall, this is a great "unseasonal" (much like our last 2 winters!). 6.1%abv and fully crushable.