Feb 15, 2017

Our Tastes- Avondale No Joka Mocha Stout

Not my 1st Avondale brew but I'll admit I haven't tried many. No Joka Mocha Stout was a neighborly payment for good deeds done, so I figured I'd lay some words on it. A coffee oatmeal stout that pours AND tastes exactly as entitled. A pure black opacity with clean white head. It wafts of roasted coffee and quaffs of the same. Full disclosure, I love coffee of all kinds. But for me this brew has too much ROASTED brew in it. The bitterness of the coffee bean is somewhat overwhelming instead of blending. However, if that's what they were aiming for, then it's spot on. 7.2%abv makes it easily repeatable, but not sure I would order more than a pint of this at any given setting.