Feb 1, 2017

Our Tastes-- Sierra Nevada Beer Camp 2017

Another Beer Camp offering from SN, 2017 Golden IPA. This is a great concept by the SN folks to get you into the "what's coming this year" frame of mind. But this year's offering also makes me emphasize the marketing aspect to brewing as opposed to the real ingenuity of microbrews. Before I start this review, I'll admit I didn't even blog 2016 Tropical IPA. Because it was so tasty I blew through it and couldn't get more to post! This one, meh, not so much. Color, light golden, check. Nose, light hoppiness attached to 2 fingers of bright white froth, check.  Taste is good, but it's akin to Yeungling or SA IPLs. Last year had more body. In it's own right, a good beer, but I feel as though SN needed a "Beer Camp" brew and just threw great hops into a light beer and called it Beer Camp. Crisp and light at 6.5%abv, I'll drink it again, but look forward to next year...