Aug 29, 2017

(Not So) Hot Balls 10K 2017

This year's Hot Balls 10k was, well, not so hot. I've waited for a good and blistery day but 84F at 57% humidity could only yield me a slightly sticky 87F. Distance for the year's race was 6.6miles, but that's what you get when you try to pre-hydrate with Bud Platinum and calculate "on the run".  Turn out was light this year; however, sponsorship for the runners was extravagant with a new sponsor this year in NBC. The route took place on part of Pike Road's Nature Trail off Meriweather Road. Miles 1 & 5 had the distinct honor of being the "gaggiest" as the smell of cow manure was prevalent. Right around mile 4 pasty mouth set in and all I could think about was ice cold beer at the end and how well it would slake my thirst. Then it hit me, Hell is like this with regards to thirst and I increased my pace. Closing in on the finish, I barely outran the remnants of Harvey that had started to invade our state, only to enjoy the beers below. Winning time: 1:05:38. Special thanks to Junk, The Lil' Mule and NBC for making it another memorable Hot Balls!