Dec 31, 2017

Our Tastes-- Peppermint Victory at Sea

 Peppermint VAS is BP's Imperial Porter on a touch of peppermint for that festive time of year. Still a solid 10% with their Caffee Calabria connection. Pours a great dark brown-ness topped with a marshmellow tan that gives way to a sweet malt nose tainted by mint. The swill is a perfect up front sweet malt followed by a peppermint coffee roast balance finishing on a roasted bitterness. Though now a buyout, I am a BP fan in that it doesn't seem to have lost any of it's QC. DFH, on the other hand, (of which I was a champion and still am to a certain degree) missed the QC part on initial sellout with regards to canning fo sho'! Brew on BP, I'll be looking for Barmy.