Jan 13, 2018

Brew Batch #89 Shepherd's IPA

Into the keg after cold crashing on the back porch at around 30F for 24hrs thanks to this cold front. Big Mouth Bubbler served me well on racking into the keg, but the trub loss hurt my heart. YUUUGGGEEE aroma! FG 1.008 to give a solid 7.5% first attempt at a haze monster. I enjoyed brewing and how quickly this fermented (8 days start to finish) I may start a BP series (Bearded Pharmacist;) Thanks to the brew crew at One True Bine Brewing Co. for loaning out the knowledge and equipment. Got it on 30# of CO2 in hopes of quaffing a pint on the morrow. Next up.....Coon Kickin' Chinos IPA?