Feb 2, 2018

Brew Batch #90 Peanut Butter no Jelly Time

Why not throw my hat into the foray of "nutty" beers. Short of a slightly underwhelming Pecan porter, I've never done any. So for a special friend and after enough research to choke a horse, today I mashed in Peanut Butter no Jelly Time porter. An imperial all grain based off of a previous Baltic extract recipe that seemed to marry well with almost anything. Except today I slid 30oz of PB powder into the boil and have flavoring waiting for thief samples before kegging. I owe this ole girl for some "non-surgical" work...twice. Kettle cleaning was a nightmare and I hope the 2112 can chew up an OG 1.110 +0.00@65F! Gonna throw some nibs in there for a touch of chocolate, I think.