Apr 10, 2019

Brew Batch #119 Aotearoa v1.1

Then a quick dash to the house allows for kegging of Aotearoa v1.1. After reading the feedback on "#1", I surmised that perhaps I should simply replace the MO in the grain bill with 2-row so the sweetness wasn't perceived as oxidation. The only problem is the Safale 05 I used crunched the hell out of the wort and dropped it to FG 1.004+0.000@ 72F, to give it 7.1% abv and a drier finish. So the PA I was shooting for on this batch has possibly ended up being my intended IPA from v1.0! I'm going to have to practice this batch a little more to hone in the BE of my system and nail down this recipe. I love the the grassy/earth finish of these NZ hops. They are here to stay in my arsenal.