Jun 23, 2019

Hogtoberfest 2019

This Hogtoberfest was sponsored by The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club est . 1887, not the FL comp where the FedEx lady murdered my entries like Ace Ventura 2 years ago. And in my quest for a medal in each state, I came up with (drumroll please) 3 Honorable Mentions (with a cracked neck on one entry) and 2nd place for Cabana Boy in 29A. But they were ribbons:( So my quest for metal medals will continue with Malt Madness XIII later this summer. I'm thankful after a FedEx shipping let down that they even let me compete since all of my entries were late getting there. Thanks Katie Donaldson, groundhog Prez! Score breakdown as follows, Creekbed 26, Shepherdess 29.5 (HM), Pacific Rimmer 31.5 (HM), KeeWeePee (HM) and Cabana Boy both 38.