Jun 28, 2019

Brew Batch #125 WBI.i2! (Wheat Beer Incident, incident again!)

What was to be WBI in it's purest fell consistently short yet again with an OG 1.030 +0.001@77F! As I mentally beat my head against the wall arriving at the same BE and "think-tanking" with RP from OTB, my only conclusion was to go back and check my grain. This was literally the same recipe that won gold and silver but at 38% BE. Then I read that the 20lbs of white wheat I bought from Morebeer had been mislabeled "malted" when in fact it was RAW! So the 30% or less of pilsner in these last 2 batches doesn't have nearly the diastatic power that it would need to convert the wheat! Which also explains the slightly lower numbers for Shepherdess and the fantastic opacity. So I now know to basically list it was raw barley in BeerSmith and reorder some truly malted wheat for WBI. For this batch, I added 3.15 golden LME I had in the hopes that it will at least have some body this time. But I'll be brewing this mutha again and getting it right before summer's end!