Jul 31, 2021

Brew Batch #159 WBI (aka Wheat Beer Incident)

It's back and loving life at a nice high CO2 volume. 1.002-0.001 @57 to give that wheat body-filled 5% that you can crush to. Just in time to end one of the hottest weeks this summer. Bring on August!

Jul 19, 2021

Brew Batch #159 WBI

You know and love it "Mista Wwyan" Wheat Beer Incident. The recipe born out of nasty that won gold (multiple times) 1.040+0.000 @75F. A seasonal thirst quencher. Repitched the WLP 300 on this one too to see how it does as compared to Wyeast 3068. 

2021 Red, White & Brews

Coming out of quarantine with a brand new True beer dispensing fridge the kids have longingly named "Mista Wwyan" and only one beer on tap at the time, Dingo Took My Baby, my all Australian pale ale.  It scored meh at 31. The Non-BJCP scored me lower than the certed professional brewer but I tend to side with the Non in this instance. He picked up phenolic tones, which I am now tasting in the beer as it sits. Needless to say, I hope it was a onetime poo-poo on my brewing process where the Aussie yeast didn't kick up as quick as it should've (cause I'm brewing it again with this propped up strain) and not a gram-negative colonization. None of the grains were smoked so those couldn't be the culprit. Had to either be contamination or the yeast. Regardless, this was such a smooth comp by the Long Beach homebrewers to enter I'm already looking forward to it hopefully next year. Scores posted only a couple of hours after the awards ceremony and sheets appeared this morning. And I just commented on Untappd the other day how some brewers "can't even brew basic BJCP categories well". Someone pass me a beer for the crow I'll be eating. Only a comp of 114, so I better up my game quick.

Jul 15, 2021

Brew Batch #158 KeeWeePee v2.0

Finishing at 1.004 + 0.000@61F, KWP 2.0 gives the perfect abv I was searching for at 4.6%. V2.0 because it has a totally revamped hop profile (all New Zealand though). V2.1 will follow V1.1's footsteps and have a dry-hopping of the Rakau and Waimea in this version. Can't wait to brew it already, this one has some nice promise on the swill sip.