Oct 6, 2004

Brew Batch #6

Extra Pale Ale went to bottle last night and with the good help of phatboy we were able to get 48 12oz brown long-necks in gold crowns with 1 clear for settling. I tasted the brew and I'm afraid it may be the best batch yet. It cleared out very well and looks almost as thought this batch will be the first one that we'll be able to enjoy straight from the bottle!! FG 1.002+0.001 @73F to give 4.86%alc. v/v. Not too shabby. I may have to brew this batch again soon to see if I can get the same consistency in product. So this summer with everyone's help I was able to brew a total of 5 (+1 from the spring) batches for a whopping 300 brews of varying flavor. I will have to admit other than just snekaing a bottle of the Dunkel, I haven't had any to drink per say. So this winter should be nice and toasty;) I have also enjoyed doing business with Northern Brewer and will drink my first batch of brews to the demise of Marietta HomeBrew and their sorry-ass customer service.
Now it's time to do some winter flavors and new brewing techniques!!!