Oct 15, 2004

SweetWater420 Festive Ale Bottling!!

Just got back from the Sweetwater420 Festive Ale 1 liter bottling. All of the usual guys were there and this year was a "by invitation only type event". However, this made the lack of folks that normally show up a little harder on those of us that cranked out a little over 7 palates of brew (40-12 pack 1-liter cases/pallet), which came out to about 3400 of the 5200 bottles they will put out this year. The goal was 9 palates and those that stayed past 4 or so EST probably got it done. Merry "Bighead" helped out and in her usual OCD method couldn't stop even though she ended up with carpal tunnel and extreme fatigue. These will be released on the 18th and they will start bottling the 12oz bottles that day as well. Also next Friday the remainder of the 5200 will be done. We got our fair share of taste tests and I even scored a new brand of stogie I am going to order from JRCIGAR.COM, (La Finca Corona, thanks Fletcher and Jacques "who news wat its 'boot" our resident Canadian transplant rookie). GA lifted the legal bottling limit and the official alc. content on this brew is 8.6%. According to Steve it has always been that high, "but now they can tell the truth". So unlike the greyhound that chases the fluffy mechanical rabbit, this puppy will catch up with you. It was a great time and this year pizza was afforded to everyone there early. I will definitely have to make a trip back over for my annual case and start working on the ones still fermenting from last year. Speaking of which I don't think this stuff was though fermenting when it was bottled, it has already started to slightly bubble out of the wax just around the gasket. HHHmmmmmm...may have to drink these now;)