Oct 23, 2005

Brew Batch #12 UPDATE

Well we feared the worst, a yeast pack that was inactive and it was confirmed tonight. I prayed to the Wyeast god that the "puffy-ness" I felt after smacking this old pack (4 mos) was not in fact inflation due to it warming to room temp but just a slow pack to get started. Well there were no bubbles tonight and when I cracked the lid open there was no foamy ring either, I was hoping it had done some mad fermenting over the weekend. But to add insult to injury there were 3 or 4 small mold colonies on top. Yuck!! So at this point I can't even repitch another culture. I have officially screwed up a batch every way you can imagine short of not adding the yeast at all. I read in "Joy of Home Brewing" that a truly experienced homebrewer messes a batch up at least one time every way possible. So ends the list, I hope.