Oct 20, 2005

Brew Batch #12

Started a little California mistake tonight. Junk, Melonhead, and myself brewed a little Steam Style (see Anchor Steam Style Ale for a true rendition). Steam-style brew is one of the true beer inventions of America. The folks in San Francisco wanted a lager beer there but the temps were too high resulting in a weird ale type brew made with a lager yeast above 55F. The yeast pack was old yet "hopeful" with a little swell, but I still have confidence that out of the 100 billion cells possible that one will pull it out and go through a little process called binary fission. This batch will be water to mouth in 28 days, which works out great since my running regimine has increased. Thanks for all the help, it was a GREAT session for brainstorming, which is exactly why we brewed this beer, a session beer at about 4.5% give or take when all is said and done.
OG 1.036+0.002 @77F