Dec 4, 2005

Brew Batch #14 First!

Tonight Junk and I bottled 47 short-neck green with green crowns of EPA (and of course 2 clear). And they were a pain in the ass! I used the "old" Old Dutch Windmill bottles from brew batch #1 and I guess I had more patience with them then or something because the remainder of the sanitized ones are out on the curb waiting for recycling. I couldn't get a good crown seal on about 6 of them the first try. So the rest of you little bastards let it be known, as soon as you are in someone's belly will be chunked!! FG 1.012+0.00 @ 65F, which scared me at first because I am worried about glass hand grenades going off downstairs in about 2 days when the pressure builds up. This batch turned out amazingly clear with a great color. 4.85%ABV. We tried it out and it will be one awesome "Hey, how you doin'" session beer.