Dec 4, 2005

Now Brew Batch #13

IRA hit the bottles tonight in our 2 hour bottling marathon. FG 1.002+0.00 @65F for 4.33%ABV. We bottled up 47 brown long necks, 2 clear and a mutt all with red crowns. The only problem is that I have labeled them in gold which didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, silver which is okay then back to basic black which seems to be the best so far. It seems to be one of those don't fix it if it ain't broke kind of things. Junk and I talked about how to divvy up the mutts for Red and such. Overall it was a great night of bottling with a clean kitchen at the end and a couple of Steam Styles to wash out our gullets. Which by the way will find itself in a head-to-head with Anchor Steam soon! (Stay Tuned)