One of the many beers The Enabler boot-legged from last year's run to DC. It pours a great medium brown/orange with a sweet malty aroma taste and light head. Of late Old Dominion has won the 2nd medal (silver) in three years for this beer at the GABF in 2006. It's brewed in the spring and cellared throughout the summer to give it an awesome smoothness. Maybe a little early for Ofest beer tasting but then again, "It's a Dirty Job" cleaning out the beer fridge. 5.4%abv. Prost!
Aug 23, 2007
Our Tastes-- Dominion Octoberfest
One of the many beers The Enabler boot-legged from last year's run to DC. It pours a great medium brown/orange with a sweet malty aroma taste and light head. Of late Old Dominion has won the 2nd medal (silver) in three years for this beer at the GABF in 2006. It's brewed in the spring and cellared throughout the summer to give it an awesome smoothness. Maybe a little early for Ofest beer tasting but then again, "It's a Dirty Job" cleaning out the beer fridge. 5.4%abv. Prost!