Next in line this afternoon is the Tupper's Hop Pocket Ale. Pours a dark golden honey color with a nice krausened head that if you pull on the aroma hard enough may make you high. Much hoppier than its brethren Pils at almost 60 IBUs. This one was created after tasting a table full of ales at Old Dominion with Ron Barchet and John Mallett (former Old Dominion brewmasters) in conjunction with Bob & Ellie Tupper of D.C. Brickskeller fame. "This beer was designed by skilled beer drinkers for experienced beer drinkers". Have it at 5%abv and celebrate the Gold from the 1997 GABF. Can you find the THPA symbol on the label!!??
Aug 20, 2007
Our Tastes-- Tupper's Hop Pocket Ale
Next in line this afternoon is the Tupper's Hop Pocket Ale. Pours a dark golden honey color with a nice krausened head that if you pull on the aroma hard enough may make you high. Much hoppier than its brethren Pils at almost 60 IBUs. This one was created after tasting a table full of ales at Old Dominion with Ron Barchet and John Mallett (former Old Dominion brewmasters) in conjunction with Bob & Ellie Tupper of D.C. Brickskeller fame. "This beer was designed by skilled beer drinkers for experienced beer drinkers". Have it at 5%abv and celebrate the Gold from the 1997 GABF. Can you find the THPA symbol on the label!!??