In keeping with the cleaning of the beer fridge we found yet another pilsner to try and this time it was an Old Dominion brew from The Enabler's trip to D.C. last year. Tupper's Hop Pocket Pils is brewed by Old Dominion for that brewing company. Ranked by beer expert Michael Jackson as one of the top 10 beers in the US. It has a slightly darker color than the aforementioned PoleStar, an extremely cloudy unfiltered look along with a bit more sweet aroma and taste. Northern Bavarians used to call their beers "kellers" as they were aged in cellars dug into the sides of hills. This too is aged and dry-hopped using whole-leaf Saaz and Mt. Hood hops, not to mention the Saaz, Mittelfruh, Spalt, and Mt. Hood hops in the kettle!! This beer is bottle and keg conditoned to give it a thick creamy head. 5%abv with a head turning gold at the GABF in 2001.
Aug 20, 2007
Our Tastes-- Tupper's Hop Pocket Pils
In keeping with the cleaning of the beer fridge we found yet another pilsner to try and this time it was an Old Dominion brew from The Enabler's trip to D.C. last year. Tupper's Hop Pocket Pils is brewed by Old Dominion for that brewing company. Ranked by beer expert Michael Jackson as one of the top 10 beers in the US. It has a slightly darker color than the aforementioned PoleStar, an extremely cloudy unfiltered look along with a bit more sweet aroma and taste. Northern Bavarians used to call their beers "kellers" as they were aged in cellars dug into the sides of hills. This too is aged and dry-hopped using whole-leaf Saaz and Mt. Hood hops, not to mention the Saaz, Mittelfruh, Spalt, and Mt. Hood hops in the kettle!! This beer is bottle and keg conditoned to give it a thick creamy head. 5%abv with a head turning gold at the GABF in 2001.