Jul 9, 2008

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams 2007 Longshot Grape Pale Ale

Drum roll please. The last of the Longshot tasters for now until they release last year's Double IPA and the other 2 winners from this year in the next 6er sampler is Lili Hess's of Hawaii Grape Pale Ale. Made with white grape juice and maple syrup. This beer has the same great reddish brown hue of a pale ale but the aroma smells of slight sweetness. Described as ".. drinking a pale ale after biting into a fresh green seedless grape." The head quickly dissipates and I can't locate an abv on it but this is definitely #2 in the pack. As I type this it saddens me that they have announced this year's winners and I am not among them; however, an imperial stout did place in the judging so maybe I just need to work on the recipe. Sam Adams is currently starting their 4th Annual Beer Lover's Choice Awards like the Nut Brown Ale and Honey Porter before, but this year it's between Blackberry Witbier and Coffee Stout made with beans from Rwanda. Looking at this year's Longshot stats brewers were down by about 400 while samples were down by almost 600! Hop shortage? Sore losers? I'll be trying again, that's part of the fun.